haricot vert - tradução para Inglês
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haricot vert - tradução para Inglês

String bean; Snap bean; Snap beans; Green beans; Green Bean; Wax bean; French bean; Haricots verts; French Bean; String beans; Greenbean; French beans; Haricot vert; Haricots vert; Greenbeans; French Beans; Baguio beans; Topcrop; Rocdor; Roc d'Or; Cherokee Wax; Improved Golden Wax; Pencil Pod Black Wax; Blue Lake 274; Maxibel; Roma II; Improved Commodore; Bush Kentucky Wonder; Dragon's Tongue; Meraviglia di Venezia; Fortex; Kentucky Blue; Kentucky Wonder; Kentucky Wonder Wax; Half-runner; Half-runners; Half runner; Half runners; Wax beans; Stringless; String Beans; Haricot ver
  • Varieties of climbing French beans, from left: 'The Hunter,' 'Cosse Violette,' 'Rob Roy,' 'Rob Splashed,' 'Kingston Gold'
  • 305x305px

haricot vert         
n. green bean, string bean


¦ noun green, as a heraldic tincture.
ME: via OFr. from L. viridis 'green'.


Green bean

Green beans are young, unripe fruits of various cultivars of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), although immature or young pods of the runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus), yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis), and hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) are used in a similar way. Green beans are known by many common names, including French beans (French: haricot vert), string beans (although most modern varieties are "stringless"), and snap beans or simply "snaps." In the Philippines, they are also known as "Baguio beans" or "habichuelas" to distinguish them from yardlong beans.

They are distinguished from the many other varieties of beans in that green beans are harvested and consumed with their enclosing pods before the bean seeds inside have fully matured. An analogous practice is the harvest and consumption of unripened pea pods, as is done with snow peas or sugar snap peas.

Exemplos do corpo de texto para haricot vert
1. Peu importe d‘ailleurs, puisque le baiji, équipé de minuscules yeux pas plus grands qu‘un haricot vert, est quasiment aveugle.
2. Des courgettes ŕ 5,50 francs, le brocoli ŕ 6,'0 francs, le haricot vert ŕ 7,50 francs, des tomates grappe ŕ 5,50 ŕ Manor ŕ Gen';ve.
3. Les fellahs qui tentent, tant bien que mal, de puiser leau ŕ partir de ce barrage pour leurs cultures (past';ques, haricot vert, piment, tomate, pomme de terre et fourrage) ne cachent pas leur mécontentement.
4. Les arômes sont explosifs, raffinés et d‘une grande complexité. Au premier nez, on rep';re ces cél';bres notes d‘asperge et de haricot vert qui font la réputation des sauvignons néo–zélandais.